Meditation is an incredibly powerful tool. It can be used for general wellness, emotional stability and even to help you manifest the things and situations you want in your life. Meditation is an easy way to prepare yourself to receive the blessings and abundance available to you.

What is meditation as a tool for manifesting? 

The core purpose for a meditation that prepares someone to manifest their goals is putting the person in a receiving mode or opening up that person to receive. In order to manifest, you have to sit back and allow yourself to receive and be open to the process. Often people practice manifestation by actively exuding a desire, rather than preparing themselves to receive. There is a difference, and the Universe responds when you open space to receive instead of just sending out energy insisting something be delivered to you.

In a manifestation meditation, you have to let go and clear things out in order to make room for something to come in. You must create a vacuum to be filled. To simply think “I want this” isn’t enough and it isn’t the way to get it. You have to put yourself in a mindset to receive and feel the energy into the receiving.

Can you manifest while meditating? 

The more you meditate, the easier it is to shift into a mindset that is conducive to manifestation. That is, the more you practice meditation, the easier it is to enter a receiving state. So yes – you can manifest while meditating in a sense. It becomes easier to draw what you want into your life because you become more open and receptive to receiving it.

When you create space for what you want to manifest to arrive, you are preparing for it. Meditation is an excellent way to connect with the vibration of what you seek and draw it to you.

Does meditation help with manifestation? 

Yes, because it opens you up. It puts you in a higher vibrational state to shift you into physical, emotional, and spiritual readiness to receive. When you’re in a meditative state, you’re really in a higher vibration that shifts you into a receiving mode.

Meditation also helps you gain clarity and calm in general, allowing you to have greater focus on what you want in your life and what your life purpose really is. Having clarity is key.

How do you practice manifestation? 

Practicing manifestation through meditation is really about being in the right mindset. You have to relax. When you hold too tightly to something, you may actually be repelling it from you. You can’t receive something with a closed fist.

Put yourself in a state of relaxation and focus on your breathing. Focus on your heart center – your heart chakra – because what you want is to manifest your heart’s desire. Meditation gets you clear on what you want to manifest.

Once you’re in your heart space, visualize and use your imagination. Thoughts are very powerful. Visualize what you want to manifest and embrace the grace of gratitude, thanking the universe as if it is already done. Imagine the sensations you will feel once you have achieved it.

Then release the how. Don’t allow the stressors of how you’ll get it to enter your peaceful space yet imagine the steps to get there. 

How can I make a guided meditation session an effective Law of Attraction? 

The Law of Attraction isn’t about just thinking about all the things you want – a car, a job, a house, a relationship – and wait for it to be delivered to you. You have to show the Universe you’re serious. You have to take action steps for the Law of Attraction to be activated. You have to take inspired action towards the thing you desire and step ever forward towards aligning your energy. Even small steps are still actions towards your goal – that’s the biggest thing for the Law of Attraction to work. You must step into the energy of the thing you are trying to attract.

Be positive. Embrace the vibration. By its very name, the Law of Attraction will attract what you put out. If you want a new job, but don’t search for one, how can the ideal job be attracted to you? You must take action steps with gratitude, asking the Universe to present the right opportunity to you. 

Using a tool like a guided meditation session will help you visualize what you desire, and the action steps you must take to activate the Law of Attraction. A guided meditation allows you to walk through the process of obtaining what you are trying to attract.